OK So New Years is over.
We did our usual sparkling cider toast at midnight. Never mind that we both fell asleep 3 times before the ball dropped. I watch these morons in the freezing cold in Times Square waiting HOURS upon HOURS for a ball to drop. Between needing to pee and bodies I don’t know pressing up on my body and Mariah Carey lip syncing – being a NY’er means one NEVER goes to that shit show. Being in the country is yet another reason to be even further from the craziness of midnight of yet just another year. I digress but I really never understand people who make such a production over a night that they end up having the WORST time. The planning, the over priced crap dinner, the “free champagne toast” is served with the cheapest bubble shit they can find. I always thought they served a cheap wine and dropped an Alka Seltzer in at 2 minutes before midnight. Drunk guys kissing drunk and make up smeared drunk girls. Every thinks they are your long lost relative and want to hug you and it’s literally mu worst nightmare. So we stay home. We love it and we have promised each other we will never have a desire to go out on such a useless night.
On the upside now that the holidays are over our contractor can get to work on our new house. Between no power and no heat on January 3rd – I can hear them swearing at us under their breath. The snow is falling daily and the house is freezing. So much so that they insisted on buying open flame gas heaters so they could work.
The best things about buying a fixer is that you truly can pick every single thing you want at your home. Tile colors, paint colors, what color farm sink and yes yes yes a CLAWFOOT TUB!!!!!!
You have no idea how many episode of HGTV Fixer Upper I have watched crying that I will never be able to renovate a home from scratch. See tis is why you should buy a lotto ticket – cuz you just never know!
While they are working on the “boring” stuff that I cannot see…getting heat, power and plumbing to the house, Dre and I are off to Lowes to check on kitchen cabinets, appliances and tile!
And BTW – we have a name for the house. Everyone in this town has named their house “Summer Cow Farms”, “Field Mouse Mansion” so why the heck not. We have goats – so today we crown our little patch of heaven GOAT HILL MANOR. I have mugs and towels for sale – please ask inside. 🙂