So it’s been a few days….but in those few days we have a lot to catch up on.
Our water stinks – like rotten eggs. Ever faucet in every shower or sink smells like SHIT! So I call the local plumber and got his answering machine: “Hi you’ve reached Fisher Plumbing and the home of Rhonda and Bob Fisher please leave a message.Oh and if you’re calling about Tammy’s wedding this weekend try us later tonight but everything is a GO for Saturday”
Seriously people make the investment in a second business line and maybe a wedding website for Tammy.
Bob called back. He was having a sandwich that his wife made him but he could c’mon over when he was done. He said the water has sulfur and needs salt, bleach and something else I couldn’t understand. But he was coming to make it all better. Just had to finish his lunch!
Spending a lot of time in the kitchen – no not cooking but eating, I wanted to get a small TV for that room. Not wanting to spend the extra $$ on another cable box and because CableVision made it clear “we don’t fish around for wires” I needed another plan.
Kevin and I drove into the BIG town and ended up the mall. Let’s just say cemeteries have more life than this place did. We found a “As Seen on TV” store. Yep they have a store! We purchased an antenna that supposedly picks up 4-16 channels. Hell I just needed one for noise and to pretend when Kevin left that someone was home with me.
Excited we raced home down the no light roads trying to avoid hitting anything that would have been part of Noah’s Ark. We plugged everything in and Kevin said “looks like we have 8 channels”. Fuck you Cable vision – I was getting TV on the cheap!
Well….our 8 channels are either all religious/please donate to Christ’s work or Cindy Crawford’s informercial to make my skin glow like hers. Seriously?!!!! I just wanted ONE decent news channel – I would have even taken Fox News at this point. But alas, nada so now I have ordered a TV splitter and some long ass HDMI cable for when Kevin returns on Tuesday to help me install. I have no handy skills as of yet but I am learning.
Oh I haven’t mentioned our local antique/garage store called Judy’s. It’s basically a garage with a whole lotta shit. Their motto – “if you can reach it – it’s yours”.
Judy’s about 70 and can’t see that well, Larry is a lanky kinda guy who is literally the only one who can reach anything and Clarissa is a lovely lady who sits in a rocking chair knitting by the door. She doesn’t move or talk- she just knits. It’s a haven for spider webs and dust but there’s nothing like a little treasure hunt! Hey Larry what’s up there???
Loving the blog! You sure know how to do shit right!