You move into a rental house in the country that was covered in baskets, more baskets, dishes from the 20’s, silverware that you know has been used by at least three generations of people and yes – portraits of the owners children in every room staring at me like the girls from the Shining. This equal you probably buy more SHIT than you would for a normal “furnished” rental. Things like art prints, new bedding, new towels, dog coats for the cold, some extra hangers and new set of forks, knives and spoons.
I do most of my shopping on Amazon Prime. Anything to your door in two days. As far away as the closest Target is – I would like to leave that to a once a week ordeal.
Wednesday packages started to arrive and so did my mail lady’s scowl. Thursday a few more packages arrived and her scowl turned to a shaking head and muttered “crazy” and by Friday she just left my crap by the mailbox.
I don’t think she’s going to like me very much and I wonder if I should get one of those webcams that catch the delivery guys trying to hit a 3 point shot with your new tv!
I don’t think this nice lady delivers more than the occasional bill or card to the residents of this lovely little town and I am SURE I am the talk of the Post Office….. that and my barking 3 inch high dogs.
I shop online people – because I can get paper towels from Prime faster than my drive to a store.
But then again it’s not like I have so much to do that a little drive would kill me.
More likely I would kill something on the road.
Dog update for the day: Charlie, Lulu and Teddy went for a walk down to the pond on our property today – Lulu dug into the mud, Teddy ran like Bolt and Charlie jumped in the pond and a fish must have touched him and he boinged right out. But all survived and lost an oz or 2.